Courey Wong

Learn how to code and build your first website

Join my FREE 5-Day Web Developer Bootcamp and start building your very first website from scratch!


    Where to Begin?

    Access some of the resources I've created and found that helped me in business and design

    Website Copy Template

    Learn my step-by-step guide to writing content for any landing page. If you want to learn a simple way to market a product or service without feeling sleazy then follow this template as your intro to copywriting 101.

    Elementor Landing Page Template

    Save time and speed up your productivity with my landing page template. Get back to whats more important and focus more on promoting your services or building a better product.

    Digital Ownership

    Discover the top 3 reasons why every business needs a website and how having this skill can dramatically improve other key areas in your life.

    The Bloggers Guide

    Building your first blog is really an intro to creating your own portfolio. I'll walk you through step by step on what it takes to launch your very own blog and website.

    The Blog

    Explore My Thoughts

    Take a look on how I approach finding solutions to problems from Code, Life, & Business

    This Web Builder Tool Is Insane, My Switch To Webflow

    I still remember when I was introduced into the world of web development. I believe I was in my junior year of college and I was getting worried what I was going to do when I graduated. I had no plan...

    How To Achieve Your Goals In Less Than A Year (The 12 Week System)

    Have you ever laid your head down at night hating that another day has gone by and you have not made any progress towards a goal you wanted to achieve. You have hundreds of ideas running around in...

    I Got Hacked! (How To Protect Your WordPress Site)

    Did you know there are over 1.1 billion websites online and over 40% of them are made with WordPress.  That means that about 478 million of them are vulnerable to get attacked and hacked. and 30,000...

    Why You Need To Scratch Your Own Itch

    Everything is trash! I secretly have a philosophy that everything is trash until proven innocent. I was no exception to this philosophy, I sucked and didn’t know it.  I remember when I first got...

    5 Step Formula For Writing Better Scripts

    I recently been studying how to write better stories and through that process I wanted to learn how create scripts for my stories. I’ve come across a few resources that layout a template or a formula...

    How To Design A Killer Landing Page

    Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a landing page and a website? Well today we’re going find out exactly what those differences are and how any beginner can learn how to design a...
    About Me

    Why I Do This

    A little bit of my story

    I remember when I began to learn how to code. I had no idea where to begin and everything seemed so complicated.

    I had to sift through all the dirt to find some golden gems. I know what it was like getting started and I don’t claim to be no guru, but just a developer who is constantly trying to improve my skills everyday and help others along the way.

    That is what this website is about…

    How can you build something and have control over what you want, plain and simple…

    In life or in Code.

    So if you’re like me and wondered how this internet thing worked, or what an ssl certificate is, then you’ve come to the right place.

    Don't miss out!
    Get Started Now With My 5-Day Web Developer Bootcamp
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